Now that her rotten little brother is a blogstar in his own right, I must give the Devil her due. Mainly because, well... what will happen to me later, when she can read, if I don't?
Since it has been quite a while, I present to you a compendium of cuteness, Devil-style, to catch you up on She Who Must Be Obeyed:
Lito & Kiku
The Devil has officially renamed every dog "Lito". And then it became a noun, as in "Oh, Momma, look at that cute lito." (This is also applied, very occasionally, to some cats, though they seem to mostly be spared... proof of their demonic allegiance?) This is also what she does to every little girl she encounters (even those whose names she knows full well), to whom she refers as "Kiku".
Bonus points (and my condolences) if you know which TV show has so melted her little mind that it is now the ultimate point of reference for her social interactions.
The Devil hates to be out of the loop, as we all know. And what better way to insinuate herself into our collective psyches in advance of world domination than to blog, have an FB account, and tweet? So, to that end (I am quite certain), she has embarked on a rigorous regimen of alphabet memorization that can only be viewed as a hostile prelude to a text-based campaign of terror. So far, however, humanity has been spared by the miraculous serendipity of "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" sharing the same tune as the alphabet song - which leads to sweetly-sung tunes like "A e b c d d d, how I g a a a c, yes sir, yes sir a c b c." (Repeat ad nauseum.) I'd correct her, but it's so cute when she does it, I just can't bring myself to. Also, as mentioned before, I fear for all of our safety once she can read (and thus follow the instructions on things such as cell phones, blogs, and nuclear devices.) So let's all just smile indulgently and move along, shall we?
::backs away slowly from singing child::
Orange you glad...
So I'm making food of some sort and Her Ladyship joins me in the kitchen, no doubt to make sure I am not lacing her food with tranquilizers to gain a moment's sanity.
She: "What's dat?"
Me: "Food."
She: (hopeful) "Food for Katie?"
Me: (all wide-eyed and innocent) "Katie who?"
She: "Knock knock!"
Baskets full of Babies
First, a moment of oh-how-cute: Number 2, being hungry, was standing around flapping his hands and hooting, because he observed his sister getting graham crackers and - quite sensibly - assumed she would never share. Much to all of our surprise, she not only decide to give up her stash, but broke them into little pieces according to his specifications, and presented them to him making reassuring comments along the lines of "There you go Jamesy, it's okay, don't be hungry."
Now you may all think this is charming, and I suppose, in its way, it is.
Another moment: I look up from my computer to see Legion cradling a small stuffed bunny. She has ensconced it in the little padded bed that came with a puppy toy, and wrapped it in a wee blankie, and is very diligently trying to feed it "carrots" (orange crescent-moon shaped blocks from the shape sorter) while a variety of other stuffed critters, large and small, look on. I watch her a moment, thinking deep thinks on the maternal instinct and generally being overcome by the sweetness of it all, when I hear her say to the bunny, "Hurry up and eat this. You have to get fat, the bear is hungry!"
Uhhh... yeah.
Welcome back.
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